Calliope Press was set up in the early 1990s to publish Brian Kemball-Cook's superb translation The Odyssey of Homer. The book was produced using the highest production values, to match the quality of the text, in both clothbound and cardbound editions.
Following that publication, Brian then turned to writing a memorial volume to his younger brother Richard, based on their climbing exploits in the UK and Europe. This book, Mountaineering with Richard, was distributed privately to friends and family.
This was followed by a return to classical texts, in this case the series of so-called Homeric Hymns. These are poems in honour of certain of the Greek gods and goddesses. They were composed later than the Iliad and Odyssey, probably in the middle of the sixth century BC. Modelled on Homer, they are composed in Homeric hexameters, and employ Homeric language. Brian translated into English hexameters some of the most important and fascinating of the Homeric Hymns, which relate for the first time in European literature Greek myths which have inspired poets and artists ever since. There are three volumes, The Homeric Hymn to Hermes, The Homeric Hymn to Demeter, and Ten Homeric Hymns.
In addition Brian also completed a volume of family history, A Memoir: Ancestors. This constitutes Chapter 1 of an account of Brian's life and work. Brian died in 2002 at the age of 89, however we hope to publish the remainder of his Memoirs.
The Editor of Calliope Press is Geoffrey Kemball-Cook, Brian's youngest son.